Hi Guys,
These are items I kept from my original 12 first shot focus I had. These are up for sale and are very rare as most of the Prototypes for Darth Vader are part of a certain focus collection.
If your interested in something I am open to a payment plan which should make any of these affordable in say 2-3 months or longer. I will take some new shots by request. If you know of anyone looking for say the uzay etc feel free to pass this post along as that is a very nice figure. I also have a nice set of variants I'm going to sell together, there is about 10-12 figures.
Note : The Top Toys head ( middle ) is on top of a Kenner figure I used as a display stand, the metal pin is in the top of the figure. The figure I used had a loose head so it made sense to make it a stand
The DT saber pics look better in the link below.
Engineering Pilot Darth Vader Thick Saber - SOLD
TOPTOYS Hardcopy head $1,200
Kenner First Shot Head $1,200
Uzay Darth Vader $500.00 (no cape or saber , bought from owner in turkey)
Uzay Vader Limb Tree - $150.00
Variant Vader collection -TBD ( need to list each version )
Group Pics:
DT vader Pics and other items
Toptoys head:
DT Vader( Production Figure not a First Shot and has a mint saber ) $4,000
Pics for DT vader
[url]http://picasaweb.google.com/ig88collector/MoreDTvader?authkey=Gv1sRgCJ2buYTm55vcDg&feat=directlink] DT vader Pics [/url]
DT vader Pics and other items
DT Vader and Rocket Photos
Rocket Fett - The Rocket !
Authentic Prototype Rocket for Rocket Firing Fett $750.00 - SOLD
For these a token deposit and some sort of idea on how the payment side will work out is good for me so if you spent a ton on Xmas presents and can afford a small 10% deposit or something like that and pay more next year that is ok.
Happy Holidays
please email me your interest to ig88collector@gmail.com just in case.