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 U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?

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PostSubject: U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?   U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? I_icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 7:39 pm

I just got another fkn seatbelt ticket. I get 1 or 2 a year fkn drive's me nut's.Is it just bullshit USA or does austrailia,UK,mexico,Canada, ect. do your countries have a bug up their ass like America does about fkn seatbelt's?

I drive a 9 ft. custom Harley with glasses and it's legal but once inside a car you must have your belt on or it's "click it or ticket".I think it's a big fkn scam to make revenue.

Before the cop even pulled me over i had put my belt on.She was going the other direction and had to pull around i went several blockes even before she got behind me.

Should i plead not guilty or what.

This seatbelt law suck's it should be my desicion if i want to wear one or not?

Everyone chime in on this one even the newbie's.I know everyone has something to say about these seatbelt issue's.

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PostSubject: Re: U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?   U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? I_icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 7:46 pm

our law states that you only have to wear them when driving drunk or pregnant

and that only counts when your older then 16 Rolling Eyes
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PostSubject: Re: U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?   U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? I_icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 10:09 pm

I never wear a seatbelt. I had one cousin killed because of one, and another really messed up (in a coma for 1-2 months) because of one. She would've been fine if the belt didn't hold her from getting to the back seat, but now she's messed up all over. Plus the wreck I was in when I was 18, if I had it on, I wouldn't be here now. So screw a seatbelt.
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PostSubject: Re: U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?   U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? I_icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 10:12 pm

fk i hate seatbelt's especially when your a big dude. I find them very restricting an unpleasant.I should of just told the cop when they asked"do you know why i pulled you over"My response should of been"Yes no fkn belt on give me the fkn ticket cheerio!!top of the mornin to ya"

lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!
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Johnpaul Ragusa
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PostSubject: Re: U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?   U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? I_icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 10:19 pm

Dan - This is an example of a law created to protect people from themselves. There isn't a true downside to wearing a seatbelt so a rational arguement about choice can't be made. They save lives. I hit a car coming that came out of a blind driveway. I was only doing about 30MPH but didn't hit the break since the car literally came out of nowhere. All I remember was the other cards windows exploding and the airbag coming out. Next thing I remember was that I was laying in my seat (which broke from the force of my body going back from the airbag) and that my car was a good 40-50ft back from the impact site. My entire cars front was almost unrecognizable. That airbag is like nothing you can imagine. It's not a soft pillow. It's like a textured boxing glove and hit me hard enough I needed to wear makeup to a job interview I had nearly a week later.

Now the airbag flat out saved my life. Without it, I would've been through my windshield and into that other car with ease. Had I been traveling with people in the back seat or passanger seat they would not have made it. Now the airbag saved me because I had a perfectly straight head on hit. Had it been an angle it wouldn't have been the same.

SHEESH!!!!i am not raping anyones childhood!!!! - Darren
P.S. I'm glad you didn't get your toy - Baytrooper
wow WOW! he brings more cowbell to every forum!! - Ross_C
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Johnpaul Ragusa
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PostSubject: Re: U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?   U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? I_icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 10:23 pm

Chris_J - I posted while you were so I didnt see your reply. Sorry about your personal experiences. I am still resolute in my stance on the good they do, but sadly there are always going to be incidents like this that are all the more bitter becuase someone was doing the right thing, only to have it be the instrument that caused the damage.

SHEESH!!!!i am not raping anyones childhood!!!! - Darren
P.S. I'm glad you didn't get your toy - Baytrooper
wow WOW! he brings more cowbell to every forum!! - Ross_C
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PostSubject: Re: U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?   U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? I_icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 10:31 pm

Thanks bud. Its been over 12 years now and I still hate a seatbelt. The one who died was 17-8 and riding with two friends. They didn't have a belt on and walked away without a scratch and they hit a dump truck. The one who got messed up, that was the drivers fault pulling out in front of a van who's driver was high as a kite on coke.

Now, in your story, airbags scare the hell out of me because of the reason you gave. There are so many stories of people killed from the airbags. It seems that what they want to protect you, hurts you more in the long run, but they do have their purpose. I still wont wear a belt unless a cop comes up on me.
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PostSubject: Re: U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?   U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? I_icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 10:42 pm

I was wondering if it was a law in United Kindom,Mexico,Spain,Austrailia.ect.I know there's a vast array of people from around the globe on TIG.

James,Jay,Merlin,Wolff,Javi. C'mon guy's chime in and let me know if there is a mandatory seat belt law in your country?

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PostSubject: Re: U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?   U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? I_icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 11:38 pm

I have lived in UK & Australia & it is mandatory to wear your seatbelt at all times whether you are sitting in the front or back. I know the back seat seatbelt in the UK is reasonably new (maybe 15 years ago lol). I think you can not wear it in the UK when you are reversing, but this could have changed now. Basically no exemptions in Australia i think.
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PostSubject: Re: U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?   U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? I_icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 11:53 pm

Ok so i don't feel so bad Two other Major countries have to wear belt's too.

Why is the seat belt rule law and not optional?

I meen geez when i'm on my harley driving around I have no protection.It's not law in illinois to wear a helmet.

I can in theory drive my bike shirtless, wearing a thong, flip flop's, as long as i have glasses on that's ok ,but get in a car fk strap in.or else.
U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? Naked-biker-1
lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!

I realy do dislike the seatbelt law.I do wear it alot it's the one time i don't wear it i get caught,i have the shitiest luck driving through my town it's such a lion's den of cop's baiting and trapping.There is a town that is right next to my town it's called Hainsville.This town was actually in GUINESS WORLD RECORD'S for issuing the most ticket's for a single town.

Coach have you ever heard of Hainsville?It's a real small chicken sht town filled with non shy ticket writing Policia.Their ticket writting insane.
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PostSubject: Re: U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?   U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? I_icon_minitimeWed May 26, 2010 12:22 am

Seat belts have saved my life half a dozen times. I always wear one. If your car was built prior to 1965 (I think) and was not fitted with one from the factory is the only exception.
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PostSubject: Re: U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?   U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? I_icon_minitimeWed May 26, 2010 9:17 am

I always wear a seatbelt yet I don't actually drive, as a passenger I can't rely on my own reactions in a situation to save my life as I am not the one behind the wheel so the best I can do is strap in and hope for the best. If for some reason I don't get a seatbelt I feel a bit awkward and usually hold on to the hand strap above the window.

Never been in a car accident touch wood but for me seatbelts aren't something to get upset over especially when its the law (and designed to save your life), they are tested and designed to hold you in your seat instead of going through the windscreen - on the other hand no accident is the same... so speed, force, angle of the hit, car type / size etc will all be variants that could result in the seatbelt doing some damage, same as an airbag but I would imagine seatbelts and airbags have saved a lot of lives / serious injury since they were invented.

Chris- sorry to hear your stories - it must be awful to have first hand experience of something designed to be of benefit to you actually doing the opposite, I think luck is a huge factor in any accident, bad and good, some people escape unscathed from plane crashes that kill over 100 people on board, others die from a 20mph crash in the local town, it's amazing the things people have walked away from and also terribly sad when people have died from a situation they really shouldn't have.

Dan - as the thread starter I would just suggest wearing your belt, it's not like its impairing your ability to drive, its just annoying - what isn't in life? Taxes, work, your team playing bad, life is a huge let down at times but being upset over your seatbelt is something you are better off not worrying over.

If it worries you that much get yourself a trike and a trailer (for transporting shit around) then you will be free of the belt lol
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PostSubject: Re: U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?   U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? I_icon_minitimeWed May 26, 2010 9:44 am

Seatbelts are in force in the UK and the police are pretty tough on them and you don’t get the choice as it’s the law.

Until recently it was the drivers responsibility to ensure their passengers wore their seat belts and if they didn’t the driver could be fined giving points etc They have now changed this so over 16 yr old passengers are responsible for wearing a seat belt but the driver is still responsible for children under 16 and baby / child seats.

I have one friend who survived purely by not wearing a seat belt as he was flung from the car whilst his mate was crushed to death yet at the same time in a separate accident my cousins mate was saved by the fact he had his seat belt on so i can understand both Chris and Johns points.

Ultimately when it comes to accidents there are so many variables i.e. speed, angle of impact, force, pressure, materials et etc That in one crash a belt can save you and in another it can kill you it’s for this reason I think the choice should be down to the individual.


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PostSubject: Re: U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?   U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? I_icon_minitimeWed May 26, 2010 5:43 pm

I think i might buy a trike with trailer.

There pretty badass,and i can put a chevy big block in it.572 cu in. should do, open header's.Bo-Yeah.
U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? 806_DSC00817
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PostSubject: Re: U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?   U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? I_icon_minitimeWed May 26, 2010 5:52 pm

I thought I would put my 2 cents worth in on this subject.

I've worked as a CT Technologist at fairly busy hospital for over 13 years now. Trauma from car accidents are pretty much a daily part of our job. Most patients involved in an accident get at least 1 or 2 CT scans-usually more depending on the seriousness of the accident.

I accept the fact that there are always exceptions to the rule, but 99% of the time the worse cases of trauma involve patients that were not wearing their seat belts. I don't mean to disrespect other people's opinions on the matter, especially you Chris-seems like you have had a really bad experience in this area, so I definitely understand your viewpoint on this subject.

I personally don't go anywhere without putting mine on and I make everyone that rides with me wear theirs as well. I know there is no such thing as total protection or a sure thing, but from what I've personally seen, the odds are much better of suriving a serious accident with the seat belts on than without them.

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PostSubject: Re: U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's?   U.S. has strict seatbelt law's wondering about other countrie's? I_icon_minitimeWed May 26, 2010 8:44 pm

Ok everyone can be safe wearing belt's.

I'm trying to wear mine more often but dam the one time i did'nt put in on and i have a cop right up my ass.

What about us biker's we have no airbag's,belt's we have no protection,Ok helmet.Geez i don't wear one of those either.I'm such a dam rebel.

Dan. cheers cheers cheers
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