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 ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)

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Imperial Lieutenant
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ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) Empty
PostSubject: ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)   ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2012 10:24 am

Hi All,

Just got a C3PO figure case from the states with 40 or so figures. Was obviously someone's collection and in really good condition overall. They didn't look like they'd been played with much (if at all) except for a Greedo who looked like his head had been chewed by a dog.) Interesting side note about storage (assuming they'd been in the case for 30 or so years) is that the Stormtrooper is probably the whitest I've seen, but two of the figures (both photographed below) look like they have some kind of plastic mould.

Anyway, while going through the figures I noticed that Luke's cape felt odd, so I came on here and did some searching and reading and think it's possible he's a Ledy? I'm not at all confident of this, but I did read the whole Ledy thread last night and based on my questionable judgement he does appear to be a match. He doesn't have his Saber unfortunately (although having read the Ledy thread it seems as though, if he is a Ledy, he may have come with Madine's staff anyway!?) but I photographed his cape and blaster as well.

ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)

This set me off checking the other figures. The vast majority I could rule out pretty quickly (completely wrong COO etc.) There were two others that I think could be a match though. First one is Yoda. I ruled him out at first as I thought the Ledy Yoda was a much stronger green than this, but when I realised that his cape felt different and his accessories all appeared to have the correct markings I did a search and read on here that there is a paler yoda. Also one of the signs is supposed to be the deformed copyright symbol (which he does have.) I did a side by side comparison for the cape (the one that belongs to this figure is on the right.) Any thoughts?

ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)

Also wondered about this Leia, but I'm not at all confident on this one. She has some strange yellow marks on her face (are these plastic mould? If so, can anything be done about it?)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)

This Paploo was interesting as his belt is a completely different colour to the other ones I've encountered. (I realise that all Paploos are MIM anyway, just thought he was interesting.)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)

This is the Boba Fett I was asking about yesterday. He's an HK COO but with a dark belt. He has faded limbs which I'm reliably informed is common for this variant. His limbs appear to be made from a softer plastic than his torso. Interestingly he also appears to have some kind of plastic mould, creating a kind of patchy discolouration.
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)

This figures is from a completely different source and is in pretty poor condition. I was just wondering about the origin of the dark brown hair variant? I know this is a rare and collectable variant, but unfortunately his most distinctive feature is the most worn part of him. Do variants like this in this kind of condition retain any value at all?
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)
ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)

Phew, I think that's it for the questions at the moment lol. As always I really do appreciate any and all help. If anyone wants more info/photos please just let me know and I'll gladly provide.

My very best wishes,


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Imperial Commander
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ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)   ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2012 11:24 am

boussh could be although the brown paint ist that glossy.
luke jedi i dont think so because a ledy eye details are suposed to be black.
yoda isnt ledy he has the wrong color altough his accessoirs look like it may be.

with boussh and yoda you could have MIM figures from kenner cardbacks and these could have been packaged with kenner accessoirs or vice versa.

hope the beter experts will chime in and i hope this helps you out for starts Wink
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Imperial Lieutenant
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ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)   ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2012 11:50 am

DLT9 wrote:
boussh could be although the brown paint ist that glossy.
luke jedi i dont think so because a ledy eye details are suposed to be black.
yoda isnt ledy he has the wrong color altough his accessoirs look like it may be.

with boussh and yoda you could have MIM figures from kenner cardbacks and these could have been packaged with kenner accessoirs or vice versa.

hope the beter experts will chime in and i hope this helps you out for starts Wink

Hi Bjorn,

Thanks for the help. Very Happy

I wondered the same thing about the Leia. The colours didn't seem quite right. It's always difficult with stuff like that though because of different cameras, lighting etc. Unless you have the two side by side it's difficult to compare. In this case, I suspect you're right.

If I understood the Lili Ledy thread on here correctly, I think there are two Ledy Yoda variants? One is much darker green but one has a colour like the one I have? (and has the distorted copyright symbol?)

I wasn't sure about the Luke. The paint for his eyes isn't actually black, but it looks very dark compared to the other Jedi Lukes I have at the moment. I wasn't sure if it had to be literally black, or if it was described as being black because it appears that way relative to the non-Ledy variant? Do the accessories look correct? The 'felt' like cape and the Palace blaster with the wider base?

Thanks again and best wishes,

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Imperial Commander
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ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)   ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2012 12:06 pm

hard to tell mate on the cape the color seems off.
the gun looks good but again the color seems off.
would have to check on my yoda and in the reference post.
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Imperial Lieutenant
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ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)   ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2012 12:23 pm

I thought the Yoda might be this one?:
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Dr Dengar
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ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)   ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2012 12:29 pm

Hii Jeremy,

Nice lot, congrats!

I can hardly see the details of your pics from my phone right now, so I will leave that to the others. Very Happy

Just a few remarks which might help you further:

- The Ledy Yoda has an unique COO. If your Yoda has this COO you know enough.

- Paploo appears with two different belt colours, dark orange and bright orange. I think the latter one is due to discoloration. I have a Paploo figure in my collection having a belt with patches of both types of orange.

- The Ledy Luke Jedi normally came with a green saber. The Madine staff was just wroongly packed with a Luke in my collection. I hope that was clear from the thread, but maybe it was confusing info.?


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Dr Dengar
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ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)   ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2012 12:35 pm

BTW: Boba Fett's visor looks black on my phone?

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ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)   ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2012 12:39 pm

Harder to find variants ie. dark brown hair Luke when badly damaged are still virtually worthless ie. I have a cracked torso dark brown rebel soldier & glued head Macao Biker scout which were basically given to me. hint hint Laughing
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Imperial Lieutenant
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ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)   ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2012 2:31 pm

Dr Dengar wrote:
BTW: Boba Fett's visor looks black on my phone?

I think it's the same colour as his belt. It's kind of a very dark brown/black.
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Imperial Lieutenant
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ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)   ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2012 2:34 pm

Dr Dengar wrote:
Hii Jeremy,

Nice lot, congrats!

I can hardly see the details of your pics from my phone right now, so I will leave that to the others. Very Happy

Just a few remarks which might help you further:

- The Ledy Yoda has an unique COO. If your Yoda has this COO you know enough.

- Paploo appears with two different belt colours, dark orange and bright orange. I think the latter one is due to discoloration. I have a Paploo figure in my collection having a belt with patches of both types of orange.

- The Ledy Luke Jedi normally came with a green saber. The Madine staff was just wroongly packed with a Luke in my collection. I hope that was clear from the thread, but maybe it was confusing info.?


Thanks for the info! Smile

Wolff says it's the wrong COO on the Yoda unfortunately. (He said none of the figures are Ledy)

I appreciate the help though.

Best Wishes,

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Imperial Gunner
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ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)   ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2012 2:47 pm

Hi, you've got nice figures there but unfortunately none is LL.

Luke Jedi: The LL cape is made from a fluffier material and is a little shorter than Kenner's. The eyes are painted black (not dark brown). Your blaster is kenner also. There was no MIM Kenner Luke Jedi
Boushh: It is a regular HK figure. There was also no MIM Kenner Boushh
Yoda: There is only one LL version, the very dark green one, that was also packaged on MIM Kenner cards. There are some sellers that advertise Yodas as LL because of the deformed "C" on the copyright, because they have No COO and/or because the accessories have circles on them, but there are other Kenner yoda accessories that also had those small circles and there are Kenner No COO yodas as well.

Congrats anyway for a fine figure lot!


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Dr Dengar
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ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)   ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2012 2:51 pm

Great to see you posting here, Carlos! Very Happy

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Imperial Gunner
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ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)   ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2012 5:01 pm

Nice to see you here too, Marco!!! How are you my friend?


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ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)   ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 19, 2012 6:59 am

llseeker wrote:
Hi, you've got nice figures there but unfortunately none is LL.

Luke Jedi: The LL cape is made from a fluffier material and is a little shorter than Kenner's. The eyes are painted black (not dark brown). Your blaster is kenner also. There was no MIM Kenner Luke Jedi
Boushh: It is a regular HK figure. There was also no MIM Kenner Boushh
Yoda: There is only one LL version, the very dark green one, that was also packaged on MIM Kenner cards. There are some sellers that advertise Yodas as LL because of the deformed "C" on the copyright, because they have No COO and/or because the accessories have circles on them, but there are other Kenner yoda accessories that also had those small circles and there are Kenner No COO yodas as well.

Congrats anyway for a fine figure lot!


Hi Carlos,

Thanks for the info!

The news is obviously a bit disappointing, but I genuinely appreciate you taking the time to have a look and let me know. I appreciate all the feedback I get from the real experts as it's nice to learn stuff from people who know what they're talking about (fortunately there are quite a lot of those people on this forum) given how much misinformation and confusion there is out there.

Thanks again mate. I really appreciate it!

My very best wishes,

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ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)   ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 19, 2012 10:16 am

Anytime, my friend! Thank you for the kind words....

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ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) Empty
PostSubject: Re: ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about)   ID Help Please. Possible Ledy Yoda (and a couple of others I'm wondering about) I_icon_minitime

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