Hey all I was wondering if you guys could help me out, I am getting rid of a few weapons but want to ensure that no really good ones are leavine like a Luke stormy blaster or ones from other countries.
I have picked up lots of loose ones over the years, I will keep going through the weapons pages on the forum to match up what I can. One of my issues as some know is that I am coloured blind so a true black I could tell and a blue but if we get into blue/black or dark blue it is harder for me to know what it is.
Here is a link to my photobucket so you can see the Han blasters and stormy ones.
There are some that are black or blueish looking that have mold flash around them, They all float and feel right I am just not sure with those if they are from another Country.
I was also looking for the weapons id page as well.
Thanks in advance for any help everyone