I'm looking for the following Klaatu (original) MOCs:
- Palitoy 65B (Nien Nunb Offer with 4 lines of COO in the lower left corner of the back of the card)
- Palitoy 65C (Chewbacca Bandolier Offer)
- Toltoys (with "Free Nien Nunb" Offer on the front of the card)
- Any Trilogo / Palitoy / Kenner cardbacks (MOCs) with Import stickers such as Edilio Parodi, General Mills etc.
I'm also looking for:
- Klaatu Skiff Guard Canadian Emperor Offer card (MOC) with a special sticker in the front: It is a green "customers please note" sticker like on SCWA: http://theswca.com/index.php?action=disp_item&item_id=59733)
- any cardback (not necessarily MOC) with a yellow Australian coin offer sticker like in this example: http://www.toltoys.com/uploaded_images/Tolcoinpair.jpeg-726674.jpg
Also I know it is a long shot, but I'm also interested in Klaatu first shots or unpainted figures (also Lili Ledy overstock parts or factory errors) and AST-5 or Jabba's Dungeon proofs