I can believe it... i was getting my stuff out today and i looked at my Luke stormie and notice that is body has started to turn yellow and not a happy yellow... like nasty enough to be noticed....
pretty discouraging. I have no clue what happened. i stored him in a box that has air circulation and barely any sunlight. Its like he went under a solar bed and got rays, like really bad ones.
he was near perfect, not mint white but now hes gonna turn crappy i think. I just cant believe it would happen in a short amount of time like that.
it barely show in the pic because i am under a regular ligthbulb in my room which cancel a lot of the yellow out. but it is inside the mark i made on the pic..just there. nowhere else. I have tons of other white figures and nothing like that happened. I have them in baggies and even archival baggies and i dont anything of the sort happening to my other white figures.
thoughts of what might have happened? i have to correct this urgently...