I searched and the closest I could find was a topic on opening cut cards, so........
What are your thoughts about opening AFA Loose figures? Mainly 80s or maybe 85s....
I have a bead on 2 AFA 80 figures for a really good price each that are either
a) around 10$ above what I see being sold for the same figures loose either by known sellers stating "C9 or better" blah, blah, etc
b) around $20 above prices random sellers with decent pictures showing whats what
Regardless if it is a known or unknown seller, regardless of how good the pictures are, regardless of past purchases from a seller in general..... once the sale is made and figure is in hand, it may not be as perfect as I wanted.
With the AFA I have a pretty good idea it will meet or exceed my current needs. I have bought a bunch of loose figures recently only to want to find another, better one... and another... and another.... it is starting to make too big a dent in the wallet to do this.
I have one local store and they don't have much, so for me, I am stuck with the internet and its descriptions and prices.
And I am not talking about rare figures by the way, just the basics.
So, what are you thoughts?
Is it sacrilege to do this?
And, any suggestions on how to cut them out
Where would the seal point be?
I only had one AFA loose fig and just sold it before I thought to look at it up close to see what the deal would be.
I have my dremmel and that is the best tool I can think of to use
IF I go down that road.
Thanks in advance!