TIG's Tosche Station is the place for your creativity.
While the Imperial Gunnery respects creativity we would like to remind everyone that we operate a zero tolerance for and do not endorse reproductions of any existing vintage items.
Please do not post any...
**Reproduction Weapons, Accessories or Figures that relate to production or preproduction items.
**Reproduction boxes or inserts for vehicles, play-sets, mini rigs or creatures etc.
**Reproduction paperwork items such as instructions.
**Recarded Figures, Repro Cardbacks of original production Cardbacks or Figures placed on Repro cards. If there is some production counterpart then it's not allowed.
Please do post and show off your creations for any non-existing figures, boxes, cardbacks, etc. This is what TIG's Tosche Station is all about!
We look forward to seeing what you've made!
Feel free to PM your moderation team if you have any questions.
Thank you - TIG moderators