I hope that is bullshit that Tony's spouting, because I've recently posted something that supposedly never arrived. I have proof of postage so Ebay can go piss off and find the other guys money from someone else.
As for Ebay now taking 10% of postage costs as well as normal sales is nothing less than capitalist greed and amounts to no less than a theft.
What choice do the sellers have? Put up postage costs, which in turn makes Ebay more money BUT they're not doing it to make money, it's to protect buyers from expensive post. Yeah yeah.
I hope EBID takes off in a big way. No listing charges and only 3% sales fee. I'll advertise them for free.
It's full of Star Wars stuff as we speak. Get on it, get off fucking Ebay.
PS: Be sure to check out my Star Wars sales on Ebay.