Hi all,
I own a rubbery V2 B Gamorrean Guard Axe.
However, as I recall, not all Gamorrean Guard Axes were rubbery. Some were stiff. But, I am not 100% sure. (That was a long time ago...)
I recently picked up a Gamorrean Guard with an axe. The silver axe paint is worn off. The axe is stiff, but bends well—won't snap. The staff sinks when placed in water.
The staff resembles a V3 B. I see numerous plastic blobs on the wood portion below the axe.
Another positive sign is the axe blade has 5 dents. (See photos.)
Even though the paint wearing off could be “age” or “play” related, it could be a bad REPRO paint job.
I am leaning to good on this one, but a second opinion is always helpful.
Thank you very much. I love this Forum!!
Darth Vreenak
“The World is A Fake Stage...”