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 FS: Carded Meccano Ree Yees and Ledy Zuckuss

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Johnpaul Ragusa
Johnpaul Ragusa

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Age : 51
Location : Dutchess County, NY

FS: Carded Meccano Ree Yees and Ledy Zuckuss Empty
PostSubject: FS: Carded Meccano Ree Yees and Ledy Zuckuss   FS: Carded Meccano Ree Yees and Ledy Zuckuss I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 31, 2016 12:17 am

Prices are PP gift - Shipping is free in the US , $20 Worlwide

Meccano Ree Yees MOC - Overall nice shape, some dent in bubble and crease in corner but good seal - SOLD

Lili Ledy Zuckuss - It's beat on but seal is good, great entry level Ledy MOC - $1000

FS: Carded Meccano Ree Yees and Ledy Zuckuss 16676811

FS: Carded Meccano Ree Yees and Ledy Zuckuss 16675811

FS: Carded Meccano Ree Yees and Ledy Zuckuss 18991610

FS: Carded Meccano Ree Yees and Ledy Zuckuss 19153110

SHEESH!!!!i am not raping anyones childhood!!!! - Darren
P.S. I'm glad you didn't get your toy - Baytrooper
wow WOW! he brings more cowbell to every forum!! - Ross_C
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FS: Carded Meccano Ree Yees and Ledy Zuckuss

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