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 WTB/WTTF the following items.

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Imperial Admiral
Imperial Admiral

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WTB/WTTF the following items. Empty
PostSubject: WTB/WTTF the following items.   WTB/WTTF the following items. I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 19, 2014 10:22 pm

I need the following

Luke skywalker farmboy light saber
Mlc-3 instructions ESB
Int-4 instructions ESB
Radar laser cannon instructions (ROTJ)
Ywing instructions (ROTJ)
Hoth ice planet instructions ESB
Imperial tie fighter instructions
Jabba the Hutt dungeon instructions (ROTJ)
Ewok village (Elevator, Elevator String, Platform Base) (ROTJ)
Ewok Assault Catapult (1 Boulder, String, Box)
At at instructions ESB
Darth Vaders Tie Fighter (Box, instructions)
Wompa (Box)
Imperial Attack Base (Box, instructions)
Turret and Probot (Box)
land speeder (box)
Tauntaun (Reins) (Closed Belly)
Cap 2 (Box)
tri logo fett loose with accessory
dt Luke loose
vinyl Jawa loose complete
ledy Jawa loose complete
ledy boba fett removable rocket loose complete

Moc figures with the wrong accessory.

I am looking to buy or trade if you are interested.
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Imperial Admiral
Imperial Admiral

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WTB/WTTF the following items. Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB/WTTF the following items.   WTB/WTTF the following items. I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 24, 2014 6:31 pm

Knocked a few items off!
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WTB/WTTF the following items. Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB/WTTF the following items.   WTB/WTTF the following items. I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 24, 2014 6:34 pm

pm sent...

* Wanted: Lili Ledy, Glasslite, Meccano, Kenner Canada Instruction Sheets, $$$$ waiting!!
* Visit My Vintage Paperwork Limelight Click Me!
* To Visit The Glasslite Guide & Discussion Thread Click Me! Or The Droids Guide & Discussion Thread Click Me!
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WTB/WTTF the following items. Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB/WTTF the following items.   WTB/WTTF the following items. I_icon_minitime

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WTB/WTTF the following items.

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