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 OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??

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TIG Benefactor
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 11:22 am

I thought it was pretty freaking good. Anyone else here seen it yet?

I posted this mainly to make Tim yell "BAN BAN!!!" It's been awhile. Smile Wink
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Sith Apprentice
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 12:20 pm

My son is begging to go see it : )
We watched the first one last night for like the 30th time. I have to say the first one is awesome, so I am looking forward to seeing the second.
Did you think it was as good as the first?
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 12:50 pm

I haven't seen it either yet - will have to wait till its out on dvd . I really liked the 1st one as well and am looking forward to the new one alot cheers
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Imperial Lieutenant
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 2:44 pm

I saw it last Friday and really enjoyed it! I though the interplay between the characters was especially enjoyable. There is/are some overtired plot devices that I wish the writers had not used but on the whole I was able to look past them. I'm not a fan of the first JJ Abrams Star Trek movie so I did not go in with high expectations.
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TIG Benefactor
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeThu May 23, 2013 3:08 pm

Wasn't crazy about the first one, but it was decent entertainment, will see the next one as well, at home, without people coughing, talking, and without the teenage
girls shouting; HE'S SOOO HANDSOME!! OMG I DIED!!! ...................
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Imperial Admiral
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2013 12:03 pm

Im going to make an early call and say JJ Abrahams will be the worst thing for starwars in its history.
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2013 12:44 pm

Aussie Fortuna wrote:
Im going to make an early call and say JJ Abrahams will be the worst thing for starwars in its history.


I'm sure it won't be better than the original trilogy but I can't immagine it being the worst thing in Star wars history ...

worse than Greedo shooting first ?

worse than The Phantom Menace ?

worse than Jar Jar ?

worse than these lovely costumes ...
OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Bad-st10

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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2013 1:14 pm


worse than the Holiday Special?

OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Zzholi10

really need to change my focus after seeing that scene No affraid Smile

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Sith Apprentice
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2013 1:19 pm

WTF is that green globby dude with the shades????? Holy crap! I about fell out of my chair laughing...
Is that Jabba???
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Imperial Admiral
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2013 1:34 pm

LOL, OK guys you got me, there might be a few worse things, like the starwars love scenes and jar jar lol
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Imperial Admiral
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2013 1:36 pm

The_Dark_Artist wrote:
WTF is that green globby dude with the shades????? Holy crap! I about fell out of my chair laughing...
Is that Jabba???

BWAHAHAHAHA YEP THATS JABBA, golden costume, i might even borrow that idea lol
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Imperial Gunner
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2013 10:35 pm

This thread is PURE BLASPHEMY!!! Wink
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Sith Apprentice
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2013 10:54 pm

OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Jabba_12
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Force Addict
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2013 11:15 pm

nothing will ever be as awful as the trash bag jabba but here are a couple that come close Very Happy

OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Thcab410

OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Thcarx10
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 12:40 am

lol! James that is one of the funniest pics I have seen in forever. The vader acting all big when he is like a foot shorter than everyone else is classic. And I am sure it is just because the shirt matches the stage but at a quick glance it looks like a head is just kind of laying on the ground in the lower left corner there.


I have caviar dreams and McDonald's pockets
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Imperial Gunner
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 8:59 am

Please keep this thread going-hilarious. What is Leia holding? ha ha. chickenshack you find the best pics.
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Force Addict
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 1:14 pm

cdog07 wrote:
Please keep this thread going-hilarious. What is Leia holding? ha ha. chickenshack you find the best pics.

Glad you guys are likeing the pics Very Happy

here are a couple more I found of Jabba ...

OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Thca8111
OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Thcaae10

I posted a bunch more bad costumes here :

check the thread if you like the bad costumes - it is where I usually post the weird shit What a Face
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Imperial Admiral
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 1:36 pm

Bwahahaha chicken shack your a funny dude, love your work, now ive got a new camping trick with my green sleeping bag, i can crawl around the campsite pretending im jabba the hutt lol when im dribbling after a big night lol, :bong: drinking i'll put the pics in this thread haha.
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Sith Apprentice
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 2:58 pm

Those eyes!!!!! Bahahahahahahahahahahaha rofl
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Force Addict
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 4:05 pm

Aussie Fortuna wrote:
Bwahahaha chicken shack your a funny dude, love your work, now ive got a new camping trick with my green sleeping bag, i can crawl around the campsite pretending im jabba the hutt lol when im dribbling after a big night lol, :bong: drinking i'll put the pics in this thread haha.


Can't wait to see pics of that cheers

this one may go beyond the limits of good taste , but , since I am not known for my good taste , here ya go What a Face

OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Thcazo10
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TIG Benefactor
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 4:55 pm

OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Jabba_12
OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Thcab410
OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Thcaae10
nearly spilt my beer then laughing, quality Jabba pics lol! lol! lol!
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Sith Apprentice
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2013 5:07 pm

ourchickenshack wrote:
Aussie Fortuna wrote:
Bwahahaha chicken shack your a funny dude, love your work, now ive got a new camping trick with my green sleeping bag, i can crawl around the campsite pretending im jabba the hutt lol when im dribbling after a big night lol, :bong: drinking i'll put the pics in this thread haha.


Can't wait to see pics of that cheers

this one may go beyond the limits of good taste , but , since I am not known for my good taste , here ya go What a Face

OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Thcazo10

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Sith Apprentice
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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitimeSun May 26, 2013 11:13 am

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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??   OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet?? I_icon_minitime

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OT: So *cough cough* anyone seen the new Star Trek yet??

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