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 OT: Star Wars themed writing..

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sith jawa
Imperial Lieutenant
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sith jawa

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OT: Star Wars themed writing..  Empty
PostSubject: OT: Star Wars themed writing..    OT: Star Wars themed writing..  I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2012 9:59 am

If this needs to be moved to a different area of the forum, I understand.

Being bored last night, I decided to jot this down. Even at 42, I still get psyched for Christmas each year and truly believe there is a Santa in each of us.. Please enjoy and contribute if you wish..

The Jawas Who Stole Christmas

As the night sinks deep on Tatooine.
The Jawas hold their chins and their eyes beam bright with a sinister gleam.
The sound of good cheer will be gone by the end of their last steer.
On with the Sandcrawler, as they turn toward the next town.
The Children’s smiles will soon be a frown.
They will scamper into each house with care.
The Children, they will not scare.
The droids will be safe for one more night.
Many Jawas look for presents in their sight.
Each house, they will empty with speed and precision.
To steal one day of happiness is their decision.
As they pack up the Crawler and head for the hills.
The Jawas will be happy with no spills.
For the Jawas have taken on special night.
This will be remembered with much delight.
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Johnpaul Ragusa
Johnpaul Ragusa

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OT: Star Wars themed writing..  Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: Star Wars themed writing..    OT: Star Wars themed writing..  I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2012 6:34 pm

Jason I totally dig it! I'm on my mobile but am going to give it a whirl when I'm back at a PC

Maybe a "Twas the night before Life Day" lol

SHEESH!!!!i am not raping anyones childhood!!!! - Darren
P.S. I'm glad you didn't get your toy - Baytrooper
wow WOW! he brings more cowbell to every forum!! - Ross_C
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Johnpaul Ragusa
Johnpaul Ragusa

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OT: Star Wars themed writing..  Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: Star Wars themed writing..    OT: Star Wars themed writing..  I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2012 9:01 pm

Twas the Night before Life Day
When all through the trees
Was the scurrying sound
Of those little Wookiees

They snuggled in their fur
they needed no cloth
for wookiees can stay warm
Even on Hoth

We weren't so happy
Things looked pretty bleak
We thought we wouldn't enjoy
Life Day on Kashyyyk

We were missing Chewbacca
A son and life mate
And course Dad to Lumpy
Who lied there awake

But they heard a big ship
Trees shook as it flew low
Chewy made it back
With Captain Solo

They could celebrate life day
They put on their robes
They lit all the candles
And sung till who knows!

Then Life Day was over
Han and Chewy had to leave
Lumpy started to cry
Malla started to grieve

"Will you be back next life day?"
Chewy said "You Bet!!"
Till then he's stuck with Solo
Paying off his life debt

SHEESH!!!!i am not raping anyones childhood!!!! - Darren
P.S. I'm glad you didn't get your toy - Baytrooper
wow WOW! he brings more cowbell to every forum!! - Ross_C
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OT: Star Wars themed writing..  Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: Star Wars themed writing..    OT: Star Wars themed writing..  I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2012 12:58 am

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I hope Santa brings me
An Ewok or two

OT: Star Wars themed writing..  7986756103_7dde844984OT: Star Wars themed writing..  5983216326_b73389d80d_z
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OT: Star Wars themed writing..  Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT: Star Wars themed writing..    OT: Star Wars themed writing..  I_icon_minitime

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