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 Carboot Sale Pick Up - Can anyone help explain what these are?

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Carboot Sale Pick Up - Can anyone help explain what these are? Empty
PostSubject: Carboot Sale Pick Up - Can anyone help explain what these are?   Carboot Sale Pick Up - Can anyone help explain what these are? I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 09, 2011 4:52 pm

Hi Guys

I found these at a carboot sale a few months ago and forgot about them i did plan to do some research but i have been very pressed for time recently and havent had the chance so i thought i would see if anyone on TIG could shed some light on them for me. I did pick them up really because i thought they looked cool and the artwork / colours used seemed pretty old i.e 1950's - 1970's imo.

Does anybody know exactly what they are? Or what an approx value would be?

Carboot Sale Pick Up - Can anyone help explain what these are? SAM_1431

Carboot Sale Pick Up - Can anyone help explain what these are? SAM_1433

Carboot Sale Pick Up - Can anyone help explain what these are? SAM_1440

Many thanks


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Force Addict
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Carboot Sale Pick Up - Can anyone help explain what these are? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carboot Sale Pick Up - Can anyone help explain what these are?   Carboot Sale Pick Up - Can anyone help explain what these are? I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 09, 2011 5:00 pm

Jay, you got some mid 60's 8mm movies like the SW ones floating around. If they are the whole movie and not pieces of it, I'd say $10-15 each. The John Wayne one might go higher if you find someone who collects his stuff. Plus if you find any WWII collector, they both might go even higher on them, maybe up to $25 each.
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Carboot Sale Pick Up - Can anyone help explain what these are?

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