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 psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with.

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psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. Empty
PostSubject: psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with.   psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 15, 2010 9:04 pm

well i'm sure you all know about my situation with psboym2"Ruben Contreras Torres.if you don't well here it is.

hi jay.let me explain my purchase from psboym2.ok i talked to psboym2 back and forth through private email .he sent me pic's of the Ledy removable c3po complete with ledy bag. he said in his own words levy this 3cpo with bag is for you.ok he sent plenty of pics of figure and bag they were all ledy correct.i figured i was going to buy this from him privatley then he put's it in auction on ebay?so i win the auction and i told the guy ok i bought this figure are we still on for the figure and it's ledy bag complete he say's yes. i pay him through paypal.1 week goes by and he email's me saying he did not send me a ledy bag.he said he sent out a kenner bag. and i was like wtf!so one more week goes by and yesterday when i got the package there was my c3po with kenner bag.i'm still pissed off about it.where does this guy get off not sending me my ledy bag after we both agreed to what i was getting.then the guy back peddeled and tried saying well i know what i said,but my auction did'nt list the bag.what a dirty mthr fkr.he went through all the trouble of sending me pics of figure and agreed to sell it to me complete.and then send it to me complete like he said but with wrong bag in a way i guess that makes him so he does'nt feel guilty because in his mind he still think's he sent me out a complete figure like he said.but that asshole send me the wrong bag on purpose he admitted it to i said he emailed me after i paid for it one week later after it was shipped.if this guy does not make good on this.i will be posting this exact message in the watch out list.because i feel taken advantage of by this guy.he pulled a dirty fkn thing on me,this is complete bullshit ledy mexican dealer crap that happen's to me all the time.thank's for lending me your ear Jay.i feel a little better explaining this situation in full.Dan.

he banned me from buying from him again.he did this to me 1 year ago. i bought a lili ledy royal emporer guard from him last year and he sent me a kenner,two month's of talking back and forth he finally did mail me out the correct figure but the cheeky bastard banned me from his ebay sales 1 year.he just lifted the ban a month ago and i bought this pullapart c3po from him and he pulled all the same bullshit.he banned me from his ebay sales again.and no he never sent out the ledy c3po bag i even offered money he said no,what a prick.this guy is one of the most difficult and annoying seller ever.

Last edited by vintageSWfan on Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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Imperial Commander
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psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. Empty
PostSubject: Re: psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with.   psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 16, 2010 2:52 am

thats a right load of bollocks that mate but its happening all to offten on ebay, not wanting to come across the wrong way but maybe once bitten twice shy......with this guy

although new here i have realised that the lili ledy are probably the most sought after pieces people are after and that is why people like this seller are getting away with pulling stunts like this, knowing not just yourself but lots of people are after the same item, im just wondering how many others went through the same shite as yourself????? email back and forth the receiveng "wrong" item..

ive been scammed myself in the not too distant past and it is not a nice feeling and thats why i feel you have done the correct thing letting people know about guys likethis, unfortunately as long as there is money to be made/scammed there will be people like this,,, fucking sharks

good luck in resolving what happened mate but ive got a feeling it will be a pretty hopeless task

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psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. Empty
PostSubject: Re: psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with.   psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 16, 2010 9:48 am

thank's bro.i only bought 2 item's from this guy 1 last year and this one just recently.i won't be buying from this guy ever again.Dan. cheers cheers cheers cheers
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psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. Empty
PostSubject: Re: psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with.   psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 17, 2010 10:05 am

Yeh, Dan, I too hope you get a result, man. It seems like all of us have been on the poor end of a scam at some point or other in our pursuit of this great hobby. It's terrible there are so many thieves and liars out there, but while our hobby remains so popular (and there is money to made) I don't think we will ever eradicate the scumbags. The best we can do is flag up these bad guys and let the community know. You've done the right thing in highlighting this & never buying from this guy again - even if he does start selling legit. His loss. And we're all a little wiser! Thanks for the share.
Paul Smile
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psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. Empty
PostSubject: Re: psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with.   psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 17, 2010 11:47 am

thank's bro,ya i'm done talking to this guy.he still has my ledy bag, i'll never get it, fk em.i moved on.i was'nt the first guy to have a bad experience with this guy either,i checked his feedback in full he has 4 negatives and 5 neutrals.yikes red flag doushe.
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Imperial Commander
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psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. Empty
PostSubject: Re: psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with.   psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 17, 2010 12:55 pm

I've only ever heard good things about Ruben, so im sure there was an initial missunderstanding on what you were buying.

This guy sells a lot of stuff to a lot of big collectors, so i can't see him choosing to scam you intentionally over a c3po bag.
I have dealt with a fair few collectors that don't speak english as a first language, and things can get pretty confusing sometimes lol.

It sucks you couldn't work something out.
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psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. Empty
PostSubject: Re: psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with.   psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 17, 2010 1:57 pm

it does suck.i have heard other's too say he has done them right,i'm sure he can be a good person,but wtf did he do to me,do i have a voodoo curse with ledy's?sometimes not very often i catch a real akward deal with ledy deals from mexico?don't worry i'll shake it off.thing's are looking better.afa totally hooked me up so thank you tom derby for personally fixing my other problem.Tom is a stand up guy and class act.i'll have to have my other watch out thread updated.thank's fror chiming in del.
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Imperial Commander
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psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. Empty
PostSubject: Re: psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with.   psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 17, 2010 2:02 pm

vintageSWfan wrote:
it does suck.i have heard other's too say he has done them right,i'm sure he can be a good person,but wtf did he do to me,do i have a voodoo curse with ledy's?sometimes not very often i catch a real akward deal with ledy deals from mexico?don't worry i'll shake it off.thing's are looking better.afa totally hooked me up so thank you tom derby for personally fixing my other problem.Tom is a stand up guy and class act.i'll have to have my other watch out thread updated.thank's fror chiming in del.

Yep you do seem to have more bad luck than most lol.
Just keep going, a good score will be just around the corner im sure.

Glad AFA sorted things for you too.
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Imperial Admiral
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psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. Empty
PostSubject: Re: psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with.   psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 18, 2010 10:38 am

I posted a similar statement on RS and I'm going to post it here. I'd stake my reputation on the fact that there was no intent to rip you off on Roys part. I stepped in to help both of you resolve this. Your hasty negative to him while I was still negotiating with him in your behalf has set this back. I'm still hoping that I can do something to make you both happy in this situation.

I can only say nice things about Roy, he's sold me some amazing pieces both privately and on Ebay thru the years that I've dealt with him. I've trusted him with thousands of dollars and never been dissapointed. He's been a good enough friend to offer me items that he knew I'd be interested in directly, and even thrown some great surprize bonus figures into my shipments. I have no doubt that most if not all of the bootleg collectors that have dealt with him have similar experiences when it comes to him sending extras.

I'll continue to try to play middleman, in the interest of keeping the peace.


PS: considering the quantity of items Roy sells, I'd expect there to be a couple of negatives in there. Some people will NEVER be happy no matter how much a seller goes out of his way.
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psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. Empty
PostSubject: Re: psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with.   psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 18, 2010 11:01 am

ya i can retract the negative feedback on ebay for Ruben if he want's to do the right thing,sending out the ledy bag for pullapart c3po.

I don't understand why he just did'nt mail me the bag in the original shipment like we agreed to back on march 10th through early april, we must of talked back and forth dozen's of time's.Ruben's english is almost better than mine from all the constructive critism i've been geetting lately.

I honestly don't think there was a comunication barrier between me and Ruben,but what happened,happened.I can't make any sense of it.

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psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. Empty
PostSubject: Update Joe Y has the baggie from Ruben.waiting for delivery since 2/26/11   psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. I_icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2011 3:25 pm

Joe Y has received the the LL 3cpo baggie from Ruben some time ago on my behalf.
Joe Y mentioned while in chatroom that he was going to ship it out to me,That was back on Feb,26,2011.
Joe you forget about shipping it out to me,i have'nt heard a reply from ya on TIG or RS.It's been 3 month's,what's delivery stauts lookin like?
Let me know if your going to keep your word and ship it like you said you would.
I know you said you would cover shipping,but let me know if you need some money for shipping,it's not a problem.
Regard's Dan.
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psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. Empty
PostSubject: Re: psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with.   psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2011 5:32 am

Ruben/Roy sent me the bag as a freebie for ME.....NOT as a piece for you. I was going to send it to you just to help both of you out, but the piece went MIA when cleaning my toy room. So, don't be a bitch over a freebie and drag my name thru the mud. You post watch outs on people at the drop of a dime. I've learned my lesson on not dealing with you.

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Johnpaul Ragusa
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psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. Empty
PostSubject: Re: psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with.   psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2011 8:46 pm

Alright I'm pulling the ripcord here.....

Dan - I'm not pulling the thread because your experience with Roy seems to be accurate. If he didn't ship you the bag, that's a bullshit move.

However it's become pretty clear, from 3rd party perspective, that Joe was trying to help you but was clearly not obligated to do anything. He was trying to do you a favor. Yes it's disappo inting the bag went MIA. I've even said to Joe that the timeframe and lack of reply certainly made it worse (in fairness to Joe he also wasn't logging on to TIG due to a password issue).

So in short, I'm locking this up. Your experience with Roy should be documented but twisting Joe's interaction is not warranted.

Joe - it's clear what transpired in respect to your involvement. If you'd like to add anything PM me and Ill add it.

Anyone who wants to discuss this further can PM me of course.

SHEESH!!!!i am not raping anyones childhood!!!! - Darren
P.S. I'm glad you didn't get your toy - Baytrooper
wow WOW! he brings more cowbell to every forum!! - Ross_C
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psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. Empty
PostSubject: Re: psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with.   psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with. I_icon_minitime

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psboym2 difficult seller,very unpleasant to do business with.

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