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 OT- Do you ever dream??

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TIG Benefactor
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PostSubject: OT- Do you ever dream??   OT- Do you ever dream?? I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 15, 2011 5:30 pm

Alright super nerdy question here. Do you ever have dreams about vintage SW?

In the last week I've had two dreams about vintage SW deals. One night last week I had a dream where the mailman kept bringing me boxs of bootleg figures. First a box came for me at work and it was FULL!! of mexican bootlegs. Then I got home and there was a box waiting for me and it was full of Polish and Model Trems.

The second dream I had last night I get where it came from. I was haveing an internal battle over buying the "Nazi R2-D2" the JosephY had for sale in the classifieds on RS last night. I went to bed last night without PMing Joe and laid there thinking about it till I drifted off to sleep. I had a dream that I bought it and drove down to Joes place to pick it up and got a tour of the Bootleg Room.

Pretty nerdy huh?
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PostSubject: Re: OT- Do you ever dream??   OT- Do you ever dream?? I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 15, 2011 6:50 pm

I only dream when I run out of 'attitude adjustment' Wink I've dreamt of finding a box of Toltoys MOCs & slave Leia gets in my dreams occasionally too Smile
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Imperial Lieutenant
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PostSubject: Re: OT- Do you ever dream??   OT- Do you ever dream?? I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 15, 2011 11:56 pm

It's been years since I had 'the dream', probably because I've fulfilled a lot of it, but at least once or twice a year for a long time I would dream that I was walking into "Lionel Playworld" (the best toy store in town when I was a kid--long since closed) and there would be fully stocked shelves of all the Star Wars toys of that glorious summer of 1978 brand new and just waiting for me. Pegs full of action figures, boxes of vehicles and playsets--some of which I had only ever seen in catalogs--so many that I didn't know where to begin.

At first the dream would usually end because I didn't have any money. Then as I got older, and got credit cards, the dream ended as I approached the check-out counter with my shopping cart. That was a good dream even if I never actually ended up with any of the stuff. It was like seeing old friends I hadn't seen in years.
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OT- Do you ever dream?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: OT- Do you ever dream??   OT- Do you ever dream?? I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 5:18 am

yes, nerd-heaven Embarassed Smile ... I was taking out the rubbish at the old flat we used to live at when I was a teenager. The rubbish bins were located in a small yard, and as I threw the bags into the bins I noticed a huge box on the floor in one of the corners. The box seemed to be full of old clothes, but when I moved the top layer I saw boxes of SW vehicles and moc and loose figures. Some of the moc had been opened but I remembered thinking in the dream nah it's still cool to have some cardbacks. lol. Dreams are stupid because I should have made multiple trips carrying all this stuff back to my room - but in the dream I could only take what I could carry, so I filled my pockets with loose figs and filled my arms with maybe half a dozen boxes/playsets - can't recall what - was just a blur of colours and logos. I woke up before I even made it to my room with the goodies. Was a great dream - and now, whenever I take out the rubbish, I always check any boxes I see lying around - just in case

Paul F, 1970s and 80s vintage toy ads and other retro paperworks Vintage Star Wars action figure weapons and accessories guide
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Grand Moff
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PostSubject: Re: OT- Do you ever dream??   OT- Do you ever dream?? I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 9:31 am

Funny thread but true!

I have the same dream with minor variations a few times a week. My folks sold the house I grew up in as a child while I was overseas in the Marines. I came home to find out the house had been sold and they had since moved on. I asked what they did with all the stuff in the attic (mainly my old toys) and they told me they donated it...

So my dream is I'm back at my old house with new people living in it. The same key still opens the door so I just walk in like no one will notice. Everything still looks the same. I creep up to the attic and take a look. All the boxes are labeled "SW Vintage", "GI Joe", "HE-MAN" (although they were never marked like that for real). I start to panic because I don't know how I will get all of MY boxes out of someone else house. I start to go through the SW box and pull of my Ewok Village parts out. Just as I'm getting it all loaded up I hear someone coming up the stairs and I panic and wake up.

Someone told me that I've been suppressing my childhood and now I'm desperate to uncover something that happened and to compensate for that I'm collecting old toys. I told them to shove it - I just like vintage SW.
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